What is emergency lighting? To put it simply, assume the power goes off when you are in a building, and suddenly you see some lights switching on instantly. In a nutshell, you are in a scenario where the building’s emergency lights have switched on. Emergency lighting incorporates a battery pack fixed to a building that switches on automatically when there is a power failure.
What is the main benefit of emergency lighting?
When you are in a situation where power goes off while you are inside an unknown building, emergency lighting plays a significant role in ensuring the safety of those within the building. Suppose you are in a cinema hall and suddenly there is a power failure. It’s the emergency lights affixed to the exit doors that light up. Here, their emergency lights direct those inside to reach out to the closest exit door. In effect, these emergency lights help those trapped within to exit the building. Apart from a commercial building, you can install emergency lighting inside a house. These lights help those occupying the building move to a safer location during a power failure.
How to ensure the reliability of emergency lighting equipment?
Like all electrical devices, you should maintain emergency lights to perform at an optimum level. Here, the critical thing is the battery pack attached to the device. It would be best to employ a licensed electrical maintenance contractor to check all emergency lights at pre-determined intervals. Regular maintenance will ensure the reliability of the emergency lighting system connected to the building’s electrical system. When installing emergency lights in a building, you should commission the services of a reputable emergency electrical services company. If not, your investment in these devices will go in vain.
Advances in technology
Today, unlike a decade ago, you can find LED-based emergency lighting systems for several applications. Moreover, this is due to advancements in technology, resulting in more affordable prices. We also see further development in energy storage and battery systems for backup and circuit protection. For example, cooler running temperatures, lower power consumption, improved reliability and efficiency have reduced the maintenance costs of emergency lighting.
What are the standards for emergency lighting?
Emergency lighting must adhere to the Australian requirements outlined in AS/NZS 2293 Parts 1, 2, and 3. These standards define all commercial buildings’ design, installation, maintenance, and product requirements for emergency lighting systems. All emergency lights must be tested, maintained, and certified following an emergency electrical service company’s AS/NZS 2293 standard.
What is emergency lighting?
Emergency lighting is an essential factor wherever people gather, like in a shopping mall, underground car park, airport, large office buildings, etc. When faced with a situation where there is a power failure, emergency lighting prevails to ensure panic-free evacuation. In this scenario, well-spaced, illuminated emergency exit signs indicating the best and shortest exit paths are essential. Why? Because people get easily disoriented in a situation like a fire. Here, most people, by intuition, will want to exit the building along the route they took to enter the building. In reality, this may lead to disastrous circumstances.
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